
Thumbnail Generator

I wrote this Perl script to generate thumbnail images from pictures token with my digital camera. Linux geeks will love it while most Windows users rather would use something else..


 thumbnail [options] size image [image ...]
  -d destinationdir  thumbnails are saved to that directory
                     default is the current directory
  -p prefix          thumbnail filenames are prefixed with this string
  -bg color          (only with -w -h size) draw borders to fit box
                     color names (blue) or RGB hexcode (#00ff00)
  -q quality         JPEG quality of the output (0-100)
                     default is 75
  -v                 verbose mode: print filenames
 size (either of the following):
  -f factor          image is resized by 1/factor
  -w width -h height image is resized to fit in the box width x height
  -w width           the longer side of image is resized to width
  -h height          the shorter side of image is resized to height
 image               file name of an image

 thumbnail -w 640 *.jpg
   converts all jpg files in the current directory to a size of 640
   (if they are 4:3 this is 640x480 or 480x640).

 thumbnail -d thumbs -f 8 *.jpg
   scales all jpg files in the current directory down by factor 8 and
   stores them in the thumbs directory under the same name.

 thumbnail -p t- -w 120 -h 90 -bg black *.jpg
   scales all jpg files in the current directory to fit in a 120x90 box
   using black background color and stores them in the current directory
   with their name prefixed by t-






© 2003 by Ortwin Glück
This is free software. Free as in "freedom" and "free beer".